Many of Leeton’s buildings were constructed or renovated during the two world wars, which has left the town with a wealth of Art Deco features, including mosaic tiling in recessed doorways, pressed metal on ceilings, glazed windows, and stepped parapets with chevron brickwork rendered with tin decorative parapets. The historic Hydro Hotel (1919) and Roxy Theatre (1930) are classic examples of Leeton’s stunning Art Deco architecture. To view the self-guided tour, click here.

Information correct at time of publishing. Opening times may change at short notice. Check with the venue before arriving to be sure.

Last modified February 16, 2024

Touring Routes
in Leeton, Murrami, Whitton, Yanco
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Whitton Malt House
in Whitton
Southern Cotton
Country Escape
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Blossom Cottage, Leeton
Caravan & Camping
in Leeton
Gogeldrie Riverside Park
Caravan & Camping
in Leeton
Leeton Caravan Park
in Leeton
The Coffee Tree
in Leeton
Hotel Leeton
in Leeton
Luke’s Takeaway
First Saturday of the Month
in Leeton
Leeton Farmers and Makers Markets
Last Sunday of the month
in Yanco
Miniature Trains ~ Yanco
The Last Sunday of Every Month
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Yanco Markets